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Supported Education - Pre Entry to Level 1 - September Start

Available for applications

More information about this Course

Useful Information
  • Mode of study:


  • Level:

    Pre Entry to Level 1

  • Duration:

    1 year


Course Overview

Our Supported Education programmes offer three strands for young people with disabilities, learning difficulties and/or health conditions to transition from school into their adult life. These three strands are:

  • Independent Living
  • Employability
  • Progression. 

The programmes are personalised to support young people to achieve the outcomes outlined in their EHCPs.They focus on the individual young person and what they can achieve to improve their outcomes and prepare themselves for further transition.

The programmes are designed to promote:

  • confidence
  • independence
  • the acquisition of life skills
  • a real sense of community understanding and belonging

Course Highlights


This course focuses on developing social skills and independence in the home and community. It enables young people to function as productively and independently as possible. Key topics covered include:

  • English and Maths
  • Community access
  • Travel/journey training
  • Money management
  • Social skills
  • Personal hygiene


This course is designed for learners who need to develop the skills that employers are looking for to secure future employment. There will be an emphasis on teamwork and practical skills which is a crucial element of any job.

Learners will develop functional skills in English, Maths and ICT by participating in a range of practical activities. Key topics covered include:

  • English and Maths
  • Work experience
  • Independent travel training
  • Money management
  • Communication skills
  • Personal presentation

Career Opportunities & Further Study

Once students have developed their academic skills and are able to study in a mainstream environment they may go on to further study at Croydon College.  Alternatively, students may be supported into employment or to employment related services, or move into Adult Social Care.


This course allows learners who are unsure which vocational route they would like to pursue as a career, to experience a variety of courses across the college including:

  • Music
  • Art
  • Hair & Beauty
  • Culinary skills
  • Construction & Plumbing


Assessment will be ongoing and consists of marking and feeding back to learners on written work and observations of practical skills.This will include a review of learners’ progress throughout the year on personal and social skills, employability, English and Maths. A variety of formative and summative assessment methods are used including observations, practical assignments and coursework.

Entry Requirements
After completing initial assessments and interviews learners are placed on to one of four progressive stages. The stages are linked to the learner’s independence skills, communication and readiness to work. Young people interested in one of the three strands will have a learning difficulty, disability or health condition and will usually have an Education, Health and Care Plan.

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