Useful Information
History – Communism in the 20th Century (Russia 1917 – 1991
and China 1949 – 1976), British History c. 1780 to 1928 and coursework on Stalin
and the purges.
Students will study Democracy, Autocracy and Dictatorship in
Russia (1917 – 1991) and China (1949 – 1976).
In the second year students will study British History
(Protest, Agitation and Parliamentary Reform) c. 1780 – 1928 for Paper 3 and
will undertake a coursework assignment for Paper 4 of 3,000 – 4,000 words. This
will require students to analyse the ways in which historians’ interpretations
of events differ, and to evaluate which interpretation they find most
Course Overview
All Lower Sixth students will pursue the A Level course
which in the first year is comprised of 2 papers with each paper focused on the
history of a single country, Russia, 1917-1991 and China, 1949-1976. In the
second year all students will study a British History paper based on ‘Protest,
Agitation and Parliamentary Reform in Britain, c. 1780 – 1928’ and a coursework
assignment (Paper 4), worth 20% of the A Level marks. This requires students to
write a 3,000 – 4,000 word assignment based on historian’s interpretations of a
historical controversy – Stalin’s role in the purges.
Students will enjoy and do well in History if they have a
genuine interest in:
- The world and the history of how it has developed
- Communicating through speech and writing
- Analysing and problem solving based on collecting and
assessing evidence
- Planning their own learning
- Working with others and presenting and defending their
interpretations and ideas
A Level History is assessed by four papers: Lower
- Paper 1: The history of a specific country in breadth
(30%), Russia, 1917 – 1991.
- Paper 2: The history of Mao’s China, 1949 – 1976 in depth
Upper Sixth:
- Paper 3: Protest, Agitation and Parliamentary Reform in
Britain, c. 1780 – 1928 in breadth and depth (30%).
- Paper 4: Coursework – evaluating historian’s
interpretations of a historical controversy – Stalin’s role in the purges
The exam board for this A Level is Pearson
Course Highlights
Course Specific Trips & Visits
The College offers a number of educational experiences each
year to enable students to contextualise their learning. These experiences
include trips, visiting speakers and residentials. In February 2019 the current
History students will be visiting Beijing in China and in October 2019, students
will be able to go on a trip to the USA visiting New York and Washington
Career Opportunities & Further Study
History is an extremely well respected and valued subject
by all employers, businesses and educationalists. Hence History students and
graduates are sought after in many walks of life. Areas that particularly
attract Historians include: Journalism, Law, Business and Professional
Management, The Civil Service, Teaching, The Heritage Industry and any
profession which requires the ability to analyse and synthesise, write
effectively and argue and present a case.
The exam board for this A Level is Pearson
Entry Requirements
wishing to include A Levels in their programme need to have (or expect to
achieve) at least five GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including English at grade
will need a satisfactory school reference and also meet the following minimum
GCSE requirement:
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