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Photography - A Level

Available for applications

More information about this Course

Useful Information
This course is largely practical and focuses on visual communication skills as well as encouraging students to develop creative, innovative methods of expressing their personal ideas. Students will carry out projects, in-depth research and critical analysis of the work of other photographers, designers and artists, and will also use black and white photographic dark room techniques and experiment with digital media.

Course Overview

Students will learn the practical skills involved in processing and printing black and white film. The majority of images will be produced using a 35mm camera.  A key component of the course will be the use of digital photography and processing.  Students will use Apple Macintosh digital imaging studio, using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator software, to produce work which has a relevance to current design practice.  The College studios are equipped with an impressive suite of computers, scanners and an A3 colour laser printer, with a large darkroom equipped with 16 enlargers.

The course will include:

  • Shooting a film using the lighting kit 
  • Processing a film and working in the darkroom 
  • Researching photographers and techniques through books, the internet and gallery visits 
  • Watching and participating in demonstrations and professional practice talks 
  • Giving a presentation of your own work 
  • Digitally manipulating images on the computer 
  • Visually documenting and writing up the results of an experiment in a workbook  Gathering and discussing ideas in a group

Students following this course will need to own a 35mm SLR camera.  A basic manual camera, obtained second hand will be perfectly adequate.  An advice sheet about camera types will be available at enrolment.  The College provides all chemicals for processing and printing, together with film and photographic paper for an introductory project.  Students will need to purchase film and paper for the coursework projects (approx. cost £20 per year).

Course Highlights

Course Specific Trips & Visits & Experiences

The College runs a number of educational experiences each year to enable students to contextualise their learning. These experiences include trips to galleries, outdoor photoshoots and talks by visiting speakers, including a variety of local designers and artists.

Career Opportunities & Further Study
After studying Photography at A Level, students can either take a one-year art foundation course at an Art College, progress directly to a degree in Photography, or move into employment (as a Photographer’s Assistant for example).


Component 1: Personal Investigation 60% including an Essay

Component 2: Externally set assignment 40% including a 15 hour practical exam

Entry Requirements

Students wishing to include A Levels in their programme need to have (or expect to achieve) at least five GCSE's at grade 4 or above, including English at grade 4 and mathematics at grade 4.

Students will need a satisfactory school reference and also meet the following minimum GCSE requirement:

  • Grade 4 in Art or relevant Design Technology or Grade 5 if taking two Art endorsements.

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