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Bursary Application Form
Your Course(s)
Course Name
Start Date
End Date
Total Fees
Main Campus
Information for Applicants
Applicants should make sure they have read the Financial Support policy
to determine their eligibility and what support they may be entitled to apply for.
Student Reference Number (found in your email)
First Name
Date Of Birth
Please answer the following questions so that we can identify what financial support you may be eligible for.
Please select the option that applies to you:
--Please Select--
Support Required
Please select all that you would like to apply for:
Childcare (paid direct to provider)
Course fees (paid direct to college)
Equipment (one off payment)
College Meals (loaded to your college card)
Travel costs (paid into nominated bank account for those who live more than 2.5 miles away from their campus)
Household Income
We need to know your total household income level
This should include the total income for all adults that live in your household. Household income can be from full time work, part time work, self-employment, benefits, pension, or a combination of these. You will need to provide evidence of your household income.
Please select the option that applies to you:
--Please Select--
You will need to evidence this on the ‘Evidence of Eligibility - Upload’ page
Personal circumstances
Please answer the following questions so that we can identify what financial support you may be eligible for.
Do you have access to ICT (i.e. laptop or PC) outside of the College?
--Please Select--
Do you have access to the Internet outside of the College?
--Please Select--
How will you mainly be travelling to college?
--Please Select--
Bank details
To be able to provide you with the financial support from the bursary fund, we will need your bank details.
Please make sure the details you enter are correct as we cannot be held accountable for incorrect details entered.
Bank Name
Sort Code
Account Number
Account Holder Name
Roll number (if applicable)
Evidence of Eligibility - Upload
For us to assess your eligibility you now need to upload evidence relating to your personal status and household income
You can do this by taking a photo or scan of each item of evidence and uploading it below. Please note you may be required to provide copies of the original documents in person at a later date.
For each item of evidence, select the most relevant ‘type of evidence’, enter any additional notes if required, and then pick the Browse button and pick the item of evidence for upload.
Remember to click the ‘Upload’ button for each item of evidence.
What do I need to upload?
To evidence your eligibility:
Evidence to Upload
I am 16-18 and in Care
Please provide a letter from the Local Authority / Social Services to confirm this
I am 16-18 and I am a Care Leaver
Please provide a letter from the Local Authority / Social Services to confirm this
I am aged 16-18 and receive Income Support or Universal Credit in my own name
Please provide a copy of your award notice
I am aged 16-18 and receive Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments AND Employment & Support Allowance
Please provide your DSA or PIP and ESA award notice
I am aged 16-18 (or 19-24 with an EHCP) and have a total household income of less than £25,000
Please provide evidence of household income
I am aged 19 or over and have a total household income of less than £25,000
Please provide evidence of household income
I am aged 19 or over and have a total household income of less than £25,000 AND I am paying for my course with an Advanced Learning Loan
Please provide evidence of household income and evidence of your loan confirmation
To evidence your household income –
you must upload evidence for all types of income that apply
Type of Income
Evidence to Upload
Salary/wages from paid employment
Please provide last 3 months wage slips or P60
Self-employed earnings
Please provide audited accounts for most recent tax year or official tax return
Income Support
Please provide an award letter which is less than 6 months old or a recent bank statement which names the benefit that is received
Universal Credit
Please provide an award letter which is less than 6 months old or a recent bank statement which names the benefit that is received
Employment & Support Allowance
Please provide an award letter which is less than 6 months old or a recent bank statement which names the benefit that is received
Pension Credit
Please provide an award letter which is less than 6 months old or a recent bank statement which names the benefit that is received
Working Tax Credit / Child Tax Credit
Please provide all pages of the latest Tax Credit Award
Company or Private Pension
Please provide the annual pension statement or a recent bank statement which includes pension amounts
Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Please provide a copy of your award letter
Type of Evidence
Pension Statement
Bank Statement
Household income evidence
Tax Credit Award letter
DSA/PIP/ESA Award notice
Local Authority Letter
Benefit Evidence
Award Letter (Asylum)
Loan Confirmation
Upload File
Type of Evidence
No attachments uploaded yet
Please ensure you read through the declaration and fully understand the terms and conditions of receiving a bursary before submitting your application form.
I declare that the information I have provided in this application is true and accurate, and I can provide all the evidence requested to support my application.
I understand that if I provide false information, or fail to provide the necessary supporting evidence, my application will not proceed and that the College may reclaim any funding already allocated to me.
I understand that making an application does not guarantee I will be awarded any funding.
If awarded, I understand that payments will not start until I am enrolled and my attendance is confirmed.
I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the Benefits Agency of any financial support I receive that may have an impact on any benefits I receive.
I understand that the information provided on this form may be shared with other departments in the College or external agencies if required.
I understand and give permission for the College to contact a third party to obtain information, if necessary, to support this application, and that this may be done without further consultation
I understand that any funding awarded will be subject to maintaining high levels of attendance, punctuality behaviour, and a commitment to course work.
I understand that this application only applies to one academic year and that I will need to reapply if I require financial assistance with study for further years.
I understand that if I withdraw from my course I may have to pay back all or some of the monies awarded to me or paid on my behalf.
I agree to the declaration as stated above
What happens next?
We will aim to process your application within 4 weeks from the date we receive it
If you have not answered all of the questions or you have not provided evidence of your household income / personal circumstances, then your application will not be assessed. We will write to you to advise what information or evidence you need to provide
When we have assessed your application we will write to you to explain what you have been awarded and how your award will be paid
If your application is unsuccessful we will send you a letter explaining why which will include details of how you can appeal the decision.