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Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (DET) - September Start

Available for applications

More information about this Course

Useful Information
Start Date: September
Duration: Part-time, 2 year course
Awarding/Validation Body City and Guilds
Regulated by – The Office for Students


Course Overview
The qualification is in the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) and is a teaching qualification. The Teacher Training Programme is designed to equip you for a career in teaching in the lifelong learning sectors (Further Education, Higher Education, Work-based Learning, Adult Community Centres and Libraries and Archives). The Diploma is studied part-time over two years. Candidates who successfully complete this qualification will take an analytical and practical approach to all aspects of planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning. The option to apply for Qualified Teacher and Learning Skills status is available after successful completion of the programme.

Course Highlights

The Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training is specifically intended to meet the needs of pre-service, newly appointed and experienced staff in Further Education colleges, sixth forms, adult education, health and community education and other training organisations. It has been designed in accordance with the government requirements for all teachers in these areas to hold a teaching qualification which conforms to the nationally recognised LSIS standards and Ofsted criteria. On successful completion of the programme trainees will be eligible to apply for QTLS status through the Society for Education and Training (SET).
The programme is divided into units and fits into the national framework of Higher Education Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme and the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF).

Career Opportunities & Further Study

Further Study / Progression Opportunities

Non-graduate trainees who achieve this qualification are eligible to progress onto a BA (Honours) Professional Studies in Education or its equivalent.
Holding a recognised teaching qualification (such as the PCE / DTLLS) is an entry requirement for the BA course and enables progression upon entry to Intermediate Level.

The teaching qualification provides trainees with an accreditation of 120 credits at Certificate level and enables trainees to submit their statement of intent to complete the Professional Formation for Qualified Teaching and Learning Skills (QTLS) status.

Candidates can also progress onto the following City and Guilds qualifications: 9200 – Professional recognition qualifications

6503 – Level 5 Diplomas in specialist teaching (English, Mathematics, ESOL and SEN)

Career Opportunities

The L5 Diploma in Education and Training is a requirement for any teacher wishing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector. The programme is the first stage towards gaining QTLS through the Society for Education and Training, ensuring professional recognition for career development. QTLS status has recently been granted parity with QTS offering opportunities for teachers in post 14 main-stream schooling for some subjects.


Teaching & learning

Teaching and Learning Methods (applicable to all Programme Learning Outcomes):
Knowledge and skills are acquired through lectures, tutorials, guest speakers, directed and independent study, case studies and experiential learning. Learning is developed through problem solving, coursework assignments, in-class assessments (role plays, presentations and poster construction), workshops and computer assisted learning (Moodle).

Teaching and Learning Methods used on the teacher training programme
The Teacher Training team adopt a variety of methods of teaching to accommodate different styles of learning and subject matter.  The emphasis is on supporting students to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills associated with improving learning and performance.  The learning and teaching strategies employed on the programme aim to develop intellectual and vocational, transferable, knowledge and skills, which will underpin career development and education progression. The team consists of staff with a variety of specialist, educational, professional and industrial experiences. All members of the team keep up-to-date in their subject area and prepare relevant and topical resource materials to use during their teaching.
• The teaching and learning methods used by the programme team are balanced between tutor-led and student-centred activity. At every opportunity prior knowledge and experience is used in the learning process and students are provided with appropriate levels of support throughout their studies to enable them to become autonomous learners.

• It is the programme team’s view that an effective educational experience relies on a combination of structured and personal learning. The programme encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning, as a reflection of current practice.  This requires a high level of commitment and organisation on their part including attendance at taught classes, as well as the motivation to conduct independent study in addition to carrying out their professional teaching role.

• Strategies for facilitating student learning and progression
A variety of teaching and learning methods are to be used throughout the programme as appropriate to the intended learning outcomes:

• Tutor-led Presentations are typically used for short formal inputs; including the use of multi- media presentations, and, where appropriate, guest speakers. Students should keep notes from all lectures - these may also be developed through personal research.
• Case Studies can be used to reinforce knowledge and understanding, through analysis and discussion of trainees’ own practice.  Case studies aid an exploration of issues; encourage analysis, problem-solving and the application of theoretical principles.
• Role play provides opportunities for students to practise a specific skill (1:1 tutorial), to interact with a scenario in a supportive learning environment.
• Small group activities encourage collaborative learning and the development of verbal communication skills.
• Individual Tutorials with an allocated personal tutor encourage a continuous dialogue with the student on their academic progress, development and any personal circumstances that will affect their performance.
• Group storming: enables an exploration of students’ current levels of knowledge and understanding.
• E-Learning using Moodle, provides support, information and activities with links to relevant websites for further reading and allows trainees to interact with each other through student forums.
• Team Working forms an essential part of the curriculum; enabling students to interact with colleagues and to develop key employability skills.
• Independent Study is an essential and significant element of the course with self-managed research a key to effective teaching.  Students are guided, encouraged and supported to act and think autonomously through a variety of pedagogical methods for example, self-directed reading/information retrieval, presentation preparation and formative and summative assessment. In addition, each of the module outlines contains indicative book lists, sub-divided into essential and recommended.
• Student Reflection is embedded in the curriculum, assessment strategy and Personal Development Planning, which is also supported through the tutorial system.


Entry Requirements

A subject-specialist qualification (for the subject they teach) at minimum Level 3 (National Qualifications Framework)
Demonstrate competence at Level 2 (National Qualifications Framework) diagnostic assessment in Literacy and Numeracy (with the aim to reach a Level 2 score) or evidence of having prior achievement of Level 2 in Literacy and Numeracy.
Evidence of English language skills at Level 2:
a.  Level 2 in the Literacy Diagnostic assessment
b.  Pass in English Language at O Level or GCSE
c.  Level 2 communications key skills unit
d.  IELTS test at band 6 or above with a minimum score of 5.5 in each component e.  ESOL Skills for Life Level 2
Evidence of Numeracy skills at Level 2:
a.  Level 2 in the Numeracy Diagnostic assessment
b.  Pass in Level 2 Mathematics at O Level or GCSE

All trainee teachers joining this qualification programme should undertake an initial assessment of skills in English, mathematics and ICT.

All candidates will be required to complete an initial assessment in Literacy and Numeracy which will be recorded on the learning contract and used for Continuous Personal and Professional Development.

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