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Computer Science - A Level

Available for applications

More information about this Course

Useful Information
Mode of Study: Full time Level: 3 Duration: 2 Years

Course Overview
Are you keen to understand how computing could change the world? If so, Computer Science is for you. It is all about designing new sets of algorithms to solve new problems. You will study programming and operating systems and conduct experiments to learn more about the natural world through software simulations. Component 1: Programming and System Development This component investigates programs, algorithms, logic, programming methodologies, and the impact of computer science on society. Component 2: Computer Architecture, Data Communication, and Applications This component investigates computer architecture, communication, data representation, data structures, programs, algorithms, and software applications. There are no optional questions. Component 3: Programmed Solution to a Problem Students discuss, investigate, design, prototype, refine, implement, test, and evaluate a computerized solution to a problem chosen by the student, which must be solved using original code (programming).

Course Highlights
Computer Science A Level students have the opportunity to take part in a variety of course-related experiences. In the last couple of years, these have included: - A trip to Bletchley Park, including Colossus, the first programmable digital electronic computer, as well as examples of the Enigma enciphering machine and a reconstruction of the Bombe machine used in code-breaking. - Oxford taster days in Computer Science. - Computing Masterclass for students. - A trip to Croydon Cititech to discuss technology.

Career Opportunities & Further Study
Computer Science A Level equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to be accepted on courses such as Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Gaming on university degree courses. It also serves as a good stepping stone to Apprenticeships in Software Development.

Exams are taken at the end of the 2 years and include: -Programming & System Development: a 2 hour 45 minutes written exam. -Computer Architecture, Data, Communications and Applications: 2-hour written exam. -Project based on ‘Programme Solutions to a problem’: a project completed by the student, assisted by teachers.

Entry Requirements
Five GCSEs grade 9-4 and a satisfactory school reference. Including English Language at grade 5, maths at grade 6, Core & Additional Science or Computer Science at grade 6 as a minimum.

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