Useful Information
Mode of Study: Full time
Level: 3
Duration: 2 Years
Course Overview
Chemistry is the science of materials: their composition, structure, properties, behaviour and the chemical changes they undergo during a reaction with other substances. You will learn the fundamentals of physical, inorganic and organic
chemistry in a supportive environment. Chemistry is an inherently experimental subject, so you will undertake practical work to help build your chemistry skills. Topics of study include atomic structure, thermodynamics, optical isomerism,
aromatic chemistry, periodicity, transition metals and many more.
Course Highlights
The college runs educational experiences and a program of visiting speakers, including representatives from higher education and industry, to help students contextualize their learning.
Career Opportunities & Further Study
A Level Chemistry is essential for degree programs in chemistry, biochemistry, medicine, dentistry, and veterinary science. It is also preferred for other university courses, including sports science, forensics, environmental science, and biomedical sciences. Employers have a great deal of respect for A Level Chemistry as it indicates a student's ability to analyse information, make reasoned judgments, and use their imagination.
Mathematics is a core part of the course, so students should be confident working with numbers and using formulas in calculations. The A Level consists of 3 exams, with Paper 1 and 2 each worth 35% of the A Level and Paper 3 worth 30%. Exams are taken at the end of the second year and include short and long answer questions. The practical-based exam is designed to assess the application of practical skills, knowledge, and understanding studied throughout the course and will be examined in every written examination. The exam board is AQA.
Entry Requirements
Five GCSEs grade 9-4 and a satisfactory school reference.Including English Language at grade 6, maths at grade 7 and
both Core and Additional Science at grade 7 as a minimum.
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