Useful Information
Full time | Pre-Entry to Level One | One Year
Course Overview
Our Supported Education programmes provide four stages to help young people with disabilities, learning difficulties and/or health conditions smoothly transition from school to adult life. The stages include: Explorer, where students explore college life at Croydon College and its surroundings; Life, Careers, and Enterprise, offering community access, career exploration, work experience, and participation in enterprise; Entering a Vocation, designed to help students enter employment and study in a tailored programme; and Supported Internship, providing work placements and guiding students into employment. These personalised programmes are designed to support each individual in achieving the goals outlined in their Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs), focusing on their unique abilities to improve outcomes and prepare for future transitions.
Course Highlights
We offer a course tailored to Independence. This course focuses on enhancing social skills and fostering independence both at home and in the community. It helps young people become as independent and productive as possible. Key areas of study include English and Maths, community access, travel/journey training, money management, social skills, and personal hygiene.
Meanwhile, the Employability course is designed for learners looking to build the essential skills employers seek for securing future employment. Emphasizing teamwork and practical skills, this course focuses on developing functional English, Maths, and ICT skills through hands-on activities. Key topics include English and Maths, work experience, independent travel training, money management, communication skills, and personal presentation.
Career Opportunities & Further Study
Learners can enter at any stage based on the skills they have already acquired and will progress year on year towards paid
work, a Level 1 programme of study or towards volunteering and a community provision.
Assessment will be ongoing and consist of providing feedback to learners on written work and observations of practical skills.This will include a review of learners’ progress throughout the year on personal and social skills, employability, English and Maths. A variety of formative and summative assessment methods are used including observations, practical assignments and coursework.
Entry Requirements
After completing initial assessments and interviews learners are placed on to one of four progressive stages. The stages are linked to the learner’s independence skills, communication and readiness to work.Young people interested in one of the three strands will have a learning difficulty, disability or health condition and will usually have an Education, Health and Care Plan.
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